Out of love
for closeness

Perform CTG monitoring
without leaving your home.


Preagnancy care


NUMBER of examinations


Number of patients


million of reasons to smile

Pregnancy care

About Pregnabit

Our comprehensive solution provides women with innovative medical services  improving the safety of pregnancy and increasing the expectant mothers’ comfort. 

The Pregnabit system is a professional telemedical device which enables CTG monitoring during pregnancy.It records CTG trace in any place and at any time in a home environment. 


CTG at home

Pregnabit collects measurement data from 4 sensors during the examination:

Mobile CTG

FHR probe which determines
foetal heart rate



Mobile CTG

TOCO probe  which
measures uterine contractions

Mobile CTG

movement marker



Mobile CTG

clip which measures
mother’s pulse



Prenatal care

  • Increased feeling of safety and control in the scope of foetal well-being
  • Telediagnostic support by medical staff overseeing the course of pregnancy
  • Possibility of patient’s remonte monitoring
  • High accuracy and reliability of Mobile CTG, trace equivalent to quality offered by a stationary CTG device
  • Quality confirmed with medical certificate ((class IIa medical device, CE 2274, CE 0197)
  • Guaranteed cybersecurity of medical data
  • Quick analysis of records and receipt of diagnosis
  • History of CTG records together with their assessment is available and archived on the Pregnabit Cloud telemedical platform 
  • The service is available 24/7
  • Intuitive and small device.


Take care of your pregnancy
Prenatal care
Cardiotocography At home

Pregnabit – how it works

Pregnabit is a comprehensive telemedical solution which enables safe and reliable examination of fetal heart rate, mother’s pulse, and recording of uterine contractions. 

The data collected by the device is transferred by wireless data transmission to the Description Centre operated by qualified medical staff. 

CTG at home

The patient performs the CTG monitoring on her own, in compliance with the user manual and instructions given by the medical staff.


CTG at home

The data collected by the device, is transferred by wireless data transmission to the Description Centre operated by qualified medical staff

CTG at home

After completion of the examination, the Patient is immediately provided with the results of the Mobile CTG records

Pregnabit – ultimate CTG

Benefits for doctors

  • Possibility of patient’s remote monitoring, between appointments
  • Full legal responsibility for the analysis of CTG records on the part of experts from the Description Centre
  • Greater control of high-risk pregnancies
  • Possibility of creating own point in description and individual assessment
  • MPossibility of expanding the offer of services, provided in doctor’s surgery
  • Application of innovative technology in cardiotocography

What makes Pregnabit special?

Pregnabit - ultimate CTG

Quick analysis of records and feedback on the Pregnabit Cloud Platform

CTG records are analysed within several minutes of sending the examination records, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The result of the examination is immediately available on the Pregnabit platform and its short description is also sent by SMS


Pregnabit - ultimate CTG

Intuitive and small device

Small device with
the set of probes
and accessories necessary
to perform the monitoring,
all packed in a handy case

Pregnabit - ultimate CTG

Quality confirmed
with medical certificates

Pregnabit and
Pregnabit Cloud are certified class IIa
medical devices.

CE Certificate for devices,
ISO 13485 and ISO 27001 certificates
confirming the quality management
system certification issued by
TÜV Nord and TÜV Rheinland

Mobile CTG

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Any questions? Search the Most Frequently Asked Questions section
for it or check the list of questions and answers below.

Questions about Pregnabit

What is Pregnabit? Medical care of pregnancy
Pregnabit is a mobile CTG device connected to a telemedicine service. It combines the features of a professional, stationary KTG device with modern and easy-to-use mobile devices.
What does the device test? Medical care of pregnancy
Pregnabit measures the fetal heart rate, mothers heart rate and uterine contractions, data that are needed to determine the well-being of the fetus.
How does the data reading with Pregnabit work? Medical care of pregnancy
Pregnabit® uses 4 sensors for measurements – the FHR probe to determine the fetal heart rate, the TOCO probe to measure the level of uterine muscle contractions, a fetal movement marker and a clip for measuring the heart rate. A one-time examination takes about 30 minutes. The data collected by the device are transferred to the Medical Telemonitoring Center, where qualified specialists analyze them and send feedback to the patient.
Does Pregnabit is easy to use? Medical care of pregnancy
Yes, Pregnabit is easy and intuitive to use. The user manual in the form of a book and a pictureized guide is included in the set. In addition, you can use the instructional video available on the Pregnabit YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQwardeMgU8
Is it safe? Medical care of pregnancy
The creators of Pregnabit® have made every effort to ensure that the product is functional and safe. These assumptions have been confirmed by numerous laboratory tests (electromagnetic compatibility, electrostatic resistance, safety tests) and operational tests. In addition, the product successfully passed the certification process and NESTMEDIC received CE certification and implemented a quality management system according to ISO 13485.
How to prepare for the examination? Medical care of pregnancy
Before examination, read the instruction. The examination is best performed lying on your side. For the test to be meaningful, it should be performed while the fetus is active. If the child is sleeping for the entire duration of the recording, the test must be repeated. If you feel that your baby is less active at the moment, eat a small meal or drink a glass of cool water.
Will the Medical Telemonitoring Center also work on holidays? Medical care of pregnancy
Yes, MCT works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
How are the examination data sent ? Medical care of pregnancy
After the test is completed, the “send examination” icon will appear on the device display. After clicking it, the examination data will be sent. The data are sent via the GSM network. Sending may take several minutes. Do not turn off the device until the message that the examination has been successfully sent appears.
Do I need an internet or application to send the examination data? Medical care of pregnancy
No. The device sends the examination data using the GSM network. To send the examintion, you need 3G network coverage ( in Poland – Orange Network)
How I will be informed about the examination result? Medical care of pregnancy
The patient always receives information about the examination result. If the result is correct, a text message is sent, if the result is doubtful or incorrect, an expert from the Medical Telemonitoring Center contacts by phone to explain the situation and provide instructions on how to proceed.
What is the waiting time for the result? Medical care of pregnancy
The examinations are evaluated on an ongoing basis in the shortest possible time. The patient should receive the information up to 15 minutes after it is sent.
What happens if the result is incorrect? Medical care of pregnancy
In the case of an incorrect or doubtful examination result, a specialist from the Medical Telemonitoring Center will call and provide information and further instructions. If it is necessary to repeat the examination, he will instruct you on how to do it correctly. If the CTG trace suggests a fetal emergency, the patient will get information, assistance and support to provide the necessary assistance as soon as possible.
Can I access my examination results? Medical care of pregnancy
Yes, a patient using the Pregnabit system can view her examinations and descriptions after logging in to our website. The examination with the description will be available after it has been granted the status by the Medical Telemonitoring Center, i.e. after about a dozen minutes from sending.
Can I show the result to my doctor or midwife? Medical care of pregnancy
The doctor or midwife from whom you borrow Pregnabit have full access to all your results. If you want to show your result to another specialist, you can generate a pdf report from your account and send it by e-mail or print it.
Can Pregnabit be used in a twin pregnancy? Medical care of pregnancy
Pregnabit is not intended for examinations during a twin pregnancy. It should not examined one of twin first, then the other, because it is easy to make a mistake and capture the same child twice. This is incorrect. For the examination of twins, a CTG with two FHR probes is necessary.
How to charge the device? Medical care of pregnancy
The set includes a charger. The device schould be charged between examinations. It is not possible to charge the device during the examination, so this should be done before starting the examination if necessary. It takes about 2 hours to fully charge the battery.
How many examinations can be done with one fully charged device? Medical care of pregnancy
A full charge of the battery allows you to perform and send several examinations.
Can the device be charged during the examination? Medical care of pregnancy
No, it is not possible to charge the device during the examination.
What to do if the battery runs out during the examination? Medical care of pregnancy
If the battery level is too low to perform and send a full examination, the examination will not start and a low battery message will appear on the screen prompting you to charge it before starting the examination.
What gel is used for the test and what if run out? Medical care of pregnancy
We use an ordinary USG gel for the examination, if it is over, it can be replaced with any other gel of the same purpose.
Why I can’t log-in into my account? Medical care of pregnancy
After creating the account, you will receive an SMS confirmation to the provided telephone number and an e-mail to the provided e-mail address. There is an activation link in the e-mail. Only after clicking on it, you can log into your account. You have to set password first.
I have trouble logging in and my password seems to be correct. Medical care of pregnancy
Please remember that the password must contain 8 characters: a capital letter, a number and at least one special character. Are you sure you remember your password? If not, you can request an e-mail with an activation link and set a new password by clicking “forgot password” below the login window.
I forgot my password, what to do? Medical care of pregnancy
Please select the “forgot your password” option under the login window, follow the instructions and then log in to your e-mail account. A message should appear with a link to change your password.
The heart rate clip is not working, my heart rate is not shown on the display. Medical care of pregnancy
Please make sure the heart rate clip is charged. Perhaps it is discharged and you need to replace the batteries (2x AAA) before use
The device won’t turn on. Medical care of pregnancy
Please make sure that the device is not discharged. If it is charged, please press the power button on the right side of the device ONCE, then WAIT FOR A FEW TEN SECONDS for the device to turn on. Please do not press the power button again during this time.
The device freezes during the examination, does not respond to touch. Medical care of pregnancy
Please hold down the power button for a moment. When asked if you want to turn off the device, please confirm. After shutting down completely, please restart Pregnabit. The “send examination” option should appear on the display.
I cannot send the examination. I get an error .. Medical care of pregnancy
Please make sure you have GSM Network coverage. Does an error number appear in the display? Please note the error number and contact the midwives or support department for the exact cause.
Where can I get Pregnabit and on what terms? Medical care of pregnancy
If they do not use the telemedicine system and you would like to receive such a solution, you can rent Pregnabit at the nearest partner unit. You can find a list of offices at: https://www.pregnabit.com/znajdz-gabinet/ You can also borrow directly from us, just place an order in the Store at: https://www.pregnabit.com/sklep
Since when can CTG Pregnabit be used Medical care of pregnancy
CTG Pregnabit can be used by single pregnant women, from the 32nd week of pregnancy
What is the cost of renting a CTG? Medical care of pregnancy
Rental cost is PLN 299 for 2 weeks, PLN 399 for 4 weeks and 649 PLN for 6 weeks. The rental cost depends on the period you want to rent for, detailed packages are shown at pregnabit.com/sklep/
Can the renting period be extended? Medical care of pregnancy
Yes, it can be extended for another 2 or 4 weeks
Can I order a delivery on a specific date from when I would like to start using the service (e.g. I pay today but I need the equipment on 25.01?) Medical care of pregnancy
Yes, it is possible, just enter it in the comment when placing the order
Can I perform examinations 2 or 3 times a day ? Medical care of pregnancy
Yes, the number of examinations in the package is unlimited. It is recommended to perform the tests according to the doctor’s recommendations or as needed, e.g. when experiencing contractions or not feeling the child’s movements. The examination can be performed at any time of the day or night.
When ordering by mail, how will I receive the instructions for use? Medical care of pregnancy
The user manual in the form of a book and a pictureized guide is included in the set. In addition, you can use the instructional video available on the Pregnabit YouTube channel.
From when does the rental period count? Medical care of pregnancy
The rental period is counted from the date of receipt of the parcel.
How is the equipment shipped? Medical care of pregnancy
We ship CTG Pregnabit by parcel service within 48 hours of placing the order.
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Contact for Bussiness

Klaudia Gąsiorowska

+48 539 028 566

Project Manager


Kacper Pytlewski

+48 666 065 588

Product Manager
